"Here For A Long Time" - B&W Fine Art Print

"Here For A Long Time" - B&W Fine Art Print

I discovered this particular 1951 GMC Pickup many years ago and have a few shots on film. The owner, Greig Stewart, graciously opens the garage door every spring and dutifully closes it before the snow flies. There’s a little more rust, and a little more dust on the hood, but otherwise hasn’t changed over the years. For this rendition I chose Classic Black & White. I always envisioned this as a B&W photograph. The grill, headlights and white frame of the door draw me into it. If you look carefully, you can see detail in the back wall of the garage behind the truck. I have another image in colour that I like, but B&W was my first instinct.

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"The Ladder", French River - Fine Art Print

"The Ladder",  French River - Fine Art Print

Photographed at “The Ladder” on the French River, Ontario, Canada. At this time of year, the river has a more established route where you are required to run some rapids to get further downstream. I’m not sure I’d want to be here in the Spring... mosquitos galore!

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Warm Shades of Winter - Fine Art Print

Warm Shades of Winter - Fine Art Print

I’ve photographed this scene many times over the years and most often in the winter when the blanket of snow ‘simplifies’ the composition. I actually photographed the tree in the backgound earlier in the day with my X100T but came back to photograph it again with my ‘big’ D800. I love how the fence line draws the viewer into the photograph and leads the eye up to the barn in the distance. The beautiful Maple tree in the background nicely balances the composition.

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