
Decorating with Fine Art Portraiture

Printed portraits of your family, whether in one photograph or individually, is not a new way to create wall art, but now more than ever it's an important decision for preserving your heritage and displaying the pride you have in your family. While most photographs today are created digitally and rarely appear in printed form, it's imperative that our generation make the effort to preserve these precious memories. And here is where professional photography makes a difference - creating portraiture that is worthy of a prominent place on your walls. 

Portraits offer a multitude of decorative possibilities. Displayed as a focal point in either the privacy of your home or on the walls of your office, you'll be able to enjoy the closeness of your family without having to turn on an electronic device.  No matter what space you have, portraiture can personalize the decor of any location.

A beautifully framed canvas portrait creates a much more personal focal point to a room than some nondescript mass-produced painting.

Designing with portraiture is easy when you make use of the many creative tools we have to assist you. And when the finished work is on display in your home or office, you find that it serves as both a tasteful reflection of your individualized decorating style as well as a tribute to the ones you love.  Studies have shown that children that grow up in homes that display portraits of family, grow up with a much more secure sense of belonging.

Any art form possesses the capacity to touch our emotions. Professional portraits carry with them an additional dimension of expression that communicates how we feel about ourselves, our world, and those closest to us. Portrait subject matter and settings are limited only by your imagination.  Children as they grow, family events, expressive personal statements are all appropriate for decorative portraiture.

If you have a particularly large space to fill, a "wall collection" may be a great alternative to the single portrait. Wall collections are a grouping of wall portraits that display a variety of images. 

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • The portrait's overall colour theme should blend with or compliment the room's colour palette.
  • Keep in mind the decorative intent of the room in which you plan to display your portrait when you consider its style. This will help set the portrait's 'tone' and guide you in selecting appropriate clothing and accessories, and help us to decide on an appropriate location.
  • An appropriately sized portrait is one that dominates the space in which it is hung, but does not appear to be crowding that space.  Consider whether the space lends itself better to a vertical or horizontal composition.
  • You also want the portrait to be of sufficient size as to be able to enjoy it from a distance, rather than having to approach it closely to see the subjects.
  • Framing provides the finishing touch to fine portraiture. Select a frame that compliments the image and accents the room's furnishings, not one that distracts from the subject matter.  Simple is often better.

Whether your portrait is an accessory or the room's focal point, placement is critical. All elements of design; colour, style, composition, and size must work together to complete the decorative statement.

If you would like more information, or would like to arrange a consultation, please call our studio or email us with your request.

Mike Guilbault, MPF

Shout Out #1: Upper Canada Stretchers


Every now and then I like to acknowledge some of the people, products or services that I use in my day-to-day operation as a portrait photographer. There are many options out there today, and over the last three decades I've tried many of them but have stayed loyal to some more than others. Mainly, this is because they deliver what I need and when I need it.

I'm not going to include reviews of cameras in these blog posts, but more-so the products and services that I use for my delivered portraits. These may include printing equipment, media, ink, mats and frames, and sometimes the people that deliver them. Without them and their products, I wouldn't have a business.

These 'shout-outs' are probably of more interest to my clients rather than other photographers. Every photographer will have their own favourite vendors and like certain products or services for their own reasons. 

So you may ask, "why are these vendors and products important to my clients?" Well, because what I deliver to my clients is important to me. They appreciate that I've searched, researched, tested and retested the products that I use to produce and deliver the best possible portrait I can.

"Gallery Wrap" Stretcher Bars

Upper Canada Stretchers

Whenever I print canvases, I use stretcher bars from UCS. There are several things that I like about them. First and foremost is that they're local. Not only are they Canadian, but UCS is located in Owen Sound, Ontario, just a couple hours from my studio.

However, I don't purchase these products only because they're local. If they didn't supply the best product on the market, I wouldn't use them. But since I do consider them the best AND they're local, it's a win-win.

The quality of these products is outstanding. I've only had one occurrence of a 'fault', but it was taken care of and replacement product was shipped within 24 hours. The service from these guys defines what service should be. I haven't found (and I've stopped looking) for anything better.

Shown here are the 'keys' that make this a great product.

So what does this mean for you, my clients? Well, they say that to build anything well, you need to start with a good framework. These stretcher bars are literally the framework that I use to build my canvas products.

Expansion and contraction of the canvas can occur with humidity changes, especially in our climate. The unique 'keyed' design of these stretchers allow us to make drum-tight canvases that are easily re-tensioned should this occur. Keyed stretchers ensure that the canvas remains taut and displays properly throughout its life.

Like their motto says... "Good Art Deserves Good Bones"

Mike Guilbault


On Selling Digital Portraits

On Digital Portraits

I am a Portraitist - a photographer that earns a living by creating portraits, with my specialty being wall portraits of significant size. My clients want a beautifully crafted portrait to hang on a wall of their home, to celebrate their family and enjoy for a very long time.

I might add that they don't want to turn on an electronic device to do so, but rather to enjoy it as they walk through their home or sit in a favourite room, and remember a remarkable time in their life.

However, I sometimes get asked if I offer "digital copies" of the portraits I create. The simple answer is no, with an 'however".

Loss of Control & Quality

Have you ever taken a digital photo of yours to a big-box store for prints? Sometimes they're ok, and other times not so much? You're at the mercy of that part-time clerk that is thinking about closing time more than the job they're being paid to do.

So what happens when you take one of my crafted images there for printing and it doesn't come out well? Although they may not say anything, are people you show it to going to blame the part-timer in the big box store for the poor print job, or blame the photographer because they assume that what they see is the "end product"? 

Not only that, but digital copies are viewed on just about every electronic device made these days, from watches to big-screen TV's. The colour is not always true, the resolution on small devices not nearly the same as a print, and often too dark or too light, too contrasty or not enough. There are so many ways a digital image can be altered, manipulated, cropped, colourized, processed and degraded that I risk my reputation every time a digital image leaves my studio. I simply can't afford that. 

I didn't spend over 30 years learning my craft, perfecting my skills and keeping on the edge of technology to have someone else produce a print that I would be ashamed to have my name associated with. That's my reputation at stake. And my reputation is how I stay in business and earn a living. The prints we produce are made to last generations, carefully retouched, colour graded, cropped and printed to the highest standards - mine. If you visit my studio, you'll understand the difference.


I do understand that the most common form of sharing photographs these days is digitally. To that end, I will provide a free web-resolution image for customers to share with their family and friends on social media such as Facebook, on SmartPhones, etc. This digital copy isn't of sufficient resolution to make a print from, and it has a small, unobtrusive watermark embedded. The image is prepared and optimized for web viewing and comes with the stipulation that it won't be altered or the watermark removed. All images are Copyright, Mike Guilbault Photography. Digital copies are available after a minimum print order/size is placed (dependant on the type of portrait session). 

I hope that explains my position on digital copies. I welcome comments or questions and also hope that you respect my work by not copying prints or other images.  And here's something to consider with your own photographs...

Generations Lost

In today's world of SmartPhones, tablets, computers and video, people often forget about permanence. The now old adage; it's not if your device will fail, but rather when it will fail, is even truer today. We should go to great lengths to ensure the longevity of our digital assets. The sad truth however, is that most people don't... no security, no backup, no hardcopy. We're going to lose generations of family photos when the digital copies are no longer accessible. I have copies of images that I can no longer access. They're either on outdated media (including certain CD's) or the files have simply deteriorated beyond recovery. It's that reason that I'm a firm believer in prints.

You don't need to come to a professional portrait artist for a snap-shot. But when you want something that will last a lifetime, if not generations, it's something you should consider.

Thank you.

Mike Guilbault, MPF, MPA